New Ruling Party for Japanese

End of August, we had a national election and the history of Japanese politics had dramatically changed. As most of you probably know by now, LDP has lost their ruling power to JDP.

Even before the election, people knew that LDP would lose by looking at the result of Tokyo Prefactual elecetion. People was sick of LDP, running politics for their party but the people of Japan. Well that was what I personally thought of Japanese politics. I am not expecting much from JDP to be honest with you, but the change in ruling party could mean lots of things for the Japanese.

It means;
1) that all the bad things that LDP has done and has hidden from us, would come into the surface.
2) that the ruling party knows that they can be pull down from its power if they do not do things right.
3) that bureaucracy would also face the change
4) all the new politicians entred the political world and therefore more variety of people, not all the sons and daughters of previous politicians
5) that the Japanese people themselves have more interests in the politics

These points, I could come up with them in 2mins, and there must be more positive effects of the change in the politics of Japan.
If the ruling party is not doing things right, they have to be replaced.
It is the natual process.
It is a normal thing in everyday life!! If your shop does not provide proper products and service, customers will stop coming and you will have to close down.
OR if you do crappy job at your parttime job, you will get fired and they will hire new students.

I just want to stress, I like the change!! I am looking forward to see how things will change in Japan.


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